Dystopia & Post-Apocalyptic Books
In the 21st century, the human race is on the brink of extinction. An event known as the Black Incident has reshaped the world as we know it.
Civilisation has fallen into absolute chaos. Food is heavily rationed. Clean water is now more valuable than diamonds.
After the fall of the British government, the military now control what remains of the population in quarantine zones. When orders fail, bullets fly. If you try to leave, you're enslaved.
Outside the quarantine zones you're confronted with bandits, psychotic cults and ... those ... things.
H2Zero is a wake-up call to humanity. We may not yet realise it, but extinction is closer than we think.
Quick Reviews
"H2Zero is Scott A. Butler's best work to date."
"I really enjoyed this instalment! The environment and characters were all very realistic."
"A unique take on an end-of-the-world scenario that, as far as I am aware, has never been done before."
"Buy this now and you'll be able to brag to your friends that you read the book before it became a TV series."